Saturday, 1 October 2022

Hens Night Game: Find My Person

So, you're planning a Hens night? 

If you're heading into town, then this game will be the perfect addition to your night of fun. 

Create some playing cards by drawing or describing different types of people on them. For example, you may include a red-haired person with tattoos, a short person in a suit, or a muscular person with piercings. 

Each player is given three of these playing cards to take out on the night. The aim of the game is for each player to match their playing card to a real-life person. The player must take a picture of the matching person for proof. 

The first to find all three people matching their cards, wins.  

*TIP: We thought it would be a really easy and cool idea to hand out character cards from the game 'Guess Who' and have people find the person who looks like the guess who characters.

You can mix it up as much as you like.

Have fun!

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